You can find the greatest detective accessible online right now. Moreover, there are so many mysterious items in our environment that we need detective skills, like the internet.
Certain entries on the “What is This Thing?” subreddit could only be understood by the combined wisdom and intellect of millions of internet users. Think WITT.
Here is a list of 11 of the most mysterious items we could locate:
#1 It has the appearance of Clay.

Question: My three-year-old returned from an after-school program where he was able to exchange tickets for what were essentially dollar store products in a “store.” approximately the hardness of a bouncy ball without bouncing like one, it is approximately the size of a fingertip, made of rubber or silicone, and it doesn’t erase. does not illuminate. What is it?
Answer: Without the metal bottom editing to add that they never truly wiped anything, it appears like an eraser from the 1980s for light bulbs.
#2 Inquisitive Bell

Question: A metal cone on both sides of a gate outside the entrance to a building in Bath, England.
Answer: It is a snuffer. A guest to your home would use it to extinguish their torch.
#3 The Golden Pig

Question: What is this thing that you’re seeing? A little gold pig container with a detachable miniature spoon for a tail.
Answer: Salt cellar. Also known as the Salt Pig. Before the period of shakers, it was a utensil to have salt immediately available by your side while working in the kitchen.
#4 Traffic Safety

Question: What are these blue reflective indicators for? They are installed on a pole that faces the field.
Answer: They reflect automobile headlights into the fields, causing deer to avoid crossing the road. So it is for the safety of vehicles and animals.
#5 Antique Automobile Accessory

Question: This was discovered on the dashboard of an old GMC. A lucite-like substance with ridges.
Answer: It is a traffic light viewer. Traffic lights used to be situated on the same side as you stopped, which made it impossible to see the light if you were first in line; nevertheless, this helped reflect the light from above, allowing you to discern when the light changed.
#6 Creative Road Sign

Question: A changeable stop sign in Illinois?
Answer: These are blinders, which are often used to read signs from a limited angle. They are also known as directional shields. You’ll see them at traffic signals a lot more.
#7 An Antique Household Object.

Question: Found it while cleaning my folks’ basement. It looks like a bookholder or something. It is composed of wood, and the paint is severely damaged. Ripped-up bits of newspaper were discovered within the top compartment, one of which was dated 1967.
Italian (Florentine-style) phone holder. Forgot to include that there should be a drawer for pens, paper, and a personal phone book. The vertical cavity holds your city phone book or books. The peak is a handle for moving it around.
#8 Elegant Bath

Question: This opulent hotel features a modest tub with two sides. When the button is pressed, one side lights up with a red light and emits hot water for around 30 seconds. The second side then lights up with blue light and cold water before turning off after the same length of time.
Answer: This is fairly frequent in Germany, and we name it “Wechselbad.” You should first soak your feet in warm water before swiftly immersing them in cold water (repeat many times). This is claimed to help with circulation, although I’m not sure whether there is any scientific support for it. These are often seen at spas and other wellness or healthcare establishments.
#9 Metallic Pumpkin

Question: A pumpkin that opens on a hinge and contains a little glass jar. A sharp pin is affixed to the jar. The smooth glass surface unfolds to expose a little compartment.
Answer: It might be a “vinaigrette,” a Victorian-era item of jewelry that contained smelling salts or perfume and was strung from a chatelaine chain.
#10 Weird Spoon.

Question: I discovered this while cleaning up the attic. It’s made of wood, appears to be handcrafted, and measures 20 centimeters, but I have no idea what it is or does!
Answer: It might be a Yacouba Double Spoon, a sign of hospitality in traditional African art. It portrays two opposed realities.
#11. “This strange object from Tiffany’s was strangely handed to my wife by her grandmother while refusing to say what it was.”

Answer: This is a drink stirrer.
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