
A woman who ‘died and was in heaven for 3 days’ reveals a terrifying vision of the future

Self-styled spiritual guru Julie Poole has devoted her life to imparting her wisdom to others. Poole has experienced horrific physical, mental, se*xual, and emotional abuse in the past, but she has now found spiritual empowerment and frequently writes about her experiences.

After attempting sui*cide in her twenties, Poole described a near-death experience in a recent disclosure. She talked about going into a “spirit realm” that looked like heaven after taking too much drugs. Poole claimed to have seen angels and spiritual guides who gave her important future messages.

She recalled, “I saw my angels and guides around me, and they lifted me up to the Higher Realms.” “No, it’s not your time,” was said to Poole when she thought she was heading home.

“We did warn you it would be too hard and too overwhelming, and here you are at 21 trying to check out,” the spirits said, acknowledging her hardships. Poole returned to her physical form after three days, but she could still clearly recall her spiritual experience.

She said that the new “Golden Age” for humanity that her spirits had mentioned will start in 2032 and last until 2012. Power, abuse, and control have been concentrated in the hands of a select few for millennia, according to Poole. “Equality will come with this Golden Age, and what is erroneous and corrupt will go.

Poole is adamant about this prophecy and expects a big change. She explained, “It’s not about an Armageddon; it’s about corrupt people being exposed and replaced by people who have good intentions.”

With her assertions that a day of reckoning is approaching and that mankind is about to enter a new period of equality and truth, Julie Poole offers a message of hope and transformation.

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