
A Controversial Move: Artist Places Litter Boxes in Restrooms

Regarding internet material, in particular, people adore a good dispute. They leap at the chance to engage in arguments and dialogue, and one TikTok artist was recently in the epicenter of one such issue. The artist in issue, Dorian Electra, has not only attracted a lot of attention on social media, but her most recent action has also caused her to go viral.

Dorian has started putting litter boxes in public toilets while on her travels. She wants everyone who attends her concerts to feel involved, which is why she is doing this out of the ordinary. Even though the majority of concertgoers identify as LGBTQ+, Dorian wants to make sure that nobody is excluded. She highlighted diversity by announcing on TikTok that throughout her tour, all restrooms will have litter boxes available for concertgoers who identify as animals. She expressed her excitement for the concept with a big thumbs up in the announcement.

Dorian may be seen approaching a bathroom door marked “all-gender restroom” in a TikTok video. Using a Sharpie, she crosses out the term “gender” and writes “species” in its place.

She walks into the bathroom carrying a litter box and sets it down beside the toilet. The litter boxes will be cleaned following every concert, according to a different video.

As was to be expected, there was a lot of disagreement about this film, with individuals on both sides. Although it’s uncertain where this topic will go from here, it has undoubtedly drawn attention.

Watch this debate to see how it plays out!

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