A guy has been criticizing McDonald’s on TikTok, saying that pricing rises have made dining there “no longer affordable.” Topher was shocked to see that his usual order—a Smoky Double Quarter Pounder BLT burger, big fries, and Sprite—had cost him more than $16 when he recently visited his neighborhood McDonald’s.
Is the cost of food increasing, or am I the only one? Unfortunately, once-reasonably priced takeaway alternatives have skyrocketed in price.
The cost of living in the United States has climbed dramatically over the past year due to the steep rise in inflation, which has raised the price of food and energy.

However, Americans believed they could always count on an inexpensive McDonald’s dinner.
Surprisingly, TikToker Christopher Olive has hinted that might not be the case.
In a video posted to YouTube last year, the wannabe strongman displayed his most recent purchase from McDonald’s: a huge order of fries, a Sprite, and a Smoky Double Quarter Pounder BLT sandwich.
When compared to what may be considered a fair price, it’s clear to argue that this meal is more expensive than a Happy Meal.
However only a few years ago, you would often expect to pay no more than $10, if not less, for a single dinner like this.
For this reason, Christopher was taken surprised as he checked at his receipt, only to realize that he had been overcharged a whopping $16.10 for his dinner.
He states in the video: “I understand that there is a labor shortage, that wages are rising, and a lot of other things, but sixteen dollars?
A burger, a huge order of fries, and a drink cost sixteen dollars. It’s simply absurd.

Thousands of people have commented on the video and it has about 180,000 views as of right now on the internet. It seems that various people view the situation from different angles.
Some people think it’s incredibly expensive to pay $16 for a hamburger dinner.
However, it’s important to remember that growing costs affect the whole supply chain, which is what causes these prices to rise.
One individual posted in the comments area, asking, “Five Guys prices at McDonald’s?!?” Christopher retorted, “That’s crazy.”
“Go to the store and buy hamburger meat, it’s officially not convenient or affordable anymore,” another person said.
A third person said, “I make a lot more of my food these days because of stuff like this,” to which the TikToker answered, “Exactly.” I was somewhat surprised to learn that 90% of the food I consume is homemade.

Not everyone, though, seems to agree; some claim he chose the priciest dish on the menu.
“You got a quarter-pounder of DOUBLE DELUXE BACON, which is the most expensive option on the entire menu,” one person said, while another said, “Bro ordered the most expensive meal they have and acted surprised.”
Then some explained, like this one, who suggested that McDonald’s fans download the app to save money. A meal at McDonald’s costs less than $6 each time.
Another person said, “Use the McDonald’s app; they occasionally have 50% off and other offers.”
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