
McDonald’s worker reveals what they do when a customer requests fresh fries.

Everyone has experienced the need to grab some hot and crispy McDonald’s fries for a quick snack. But you might be surprised at what occurs behind the counter when you ask for new fries. Some less-than-fresh procedures at the massive fast-food chain have lately come to light thanks to TikTok and other social media sites.

Exposing TikTok: The Spreading Trend

Lately, TikTok has emerged as a popular platform for fast-food employees to divulge trade secrets. One such insight was provided by a McDonald’s worker who demonstrated what occurs when patrons want fresh fries. The worker takes the already-cooked fries out of the heater and quickly reheats them in the fryer instead of preparing a fresh batch.1. This method seeks to get the same results as frying a new batch of fries—that is, hot and crispy.

Viewers’ responses to the TikTok video, which has received millions of views and gone viral, have been conflicting. Some patrons display apathy, stating that the only thing that matters to them is getting hot fries—not necessarily fresh ones. For example, one person said, “I’m happy as long as they’re hot,” and another said, “I’ve worked there and done this myself.”

Taste and Health Issues

Reheated fries don’t bother some consumers, but others have taste and health concerns. There’s a chance that reheating fries can cause uneven cooking, which might result in overdone or chilly parts. Reheating can also change the flavor and texture of the fries, which reduces their appeal.2. A few patrons have even expressed negative experiences, which made them decide not to eat McDonald’s fries as all.

The Viewpoint of an Insider

Other fast-food restaurants’ employees have attested to the fact that this is not just a McDonald’s practice. Workers at Wendy’s, Cane’s, and Burger King have acknowledged to reheating fries rather than preparing fresh ones. Although this technique saves time and money, diners who anticipate freshly prepared meals may feel let down by it.

Methods for Ensuring Fresh Fries

There’s a simple method to ensuring fresh fries: request fries without salt. Since the pre-cooked fries are already salted, this order compels the workers to prepare a fresh batch. When your hot, fresh fries arrive, you may next add salt to taste. Many astute customers have shared this technique, which McDonald’s staff have even attested to as a successful means of obtaining freshly cooked fries.

The Right of the Customer

Some patrons contend that getting fresh food shouldn’t require them to make specific requests. They contend that since patrons are paying for the food, fast-food restaurants need to provide fresh fries by default. This viewpoint draws attention to a more general problem with quality assurance and customer service in the fast-food sector.

In summary

Even though McDonald’s fries are renowned for their flavor and texture, customers’ expectations may not always be met by the method used to provide “fresh” fries. You may improve your fast-food experience by applying advice like asking for fries without salt and by comprehending the procedures that workers have disclosed. Fast-food franchises must, however, handle these issues and make sure they continuously live up to consumer expectations.

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