
My son keeps quiet as his wife insults me—but he soon teaches her a lesson in front of guests.

It’s Kate’s first Christmas with her family, so she is really excited to spend the season with her son and his wife. Will the holidays be marred, though, if Liz finds fault with her food and John decides to keep quiet rather than stand up for his mother?

I was the one who always made dinner for the family, especially after I got married and on important occasions like Christmas. But I lost touch with that side of myself after my spouse, Oliver, passed away.

I cook scarcely at all these days, just enough to get by.

With the exception of the holidays, when my son John visits for his yearly roast supper. Then it’s my turn to take center stage. However, things were really heated in kitchen.

This was the inaugural year when John’s spouse Liz joined us. She never came to visit us when they were dating—always returning home to her folks. Which is understandable, I guess, considering how important spending the holidays with your family is. Nevertheless, I was curious to see how Liz would interact with the other members of our family during the day.

Knowing that the Christmas feast would be an early dinner with a variety of side dishes and desserts to come, I got up early and started cooking. I prepared our traditional Christmas meal, which has been chicken with roasted potatoes and gravy as the star attraction along with a ton of side dishes. We’ve done this for years. items that John cherished.

But Liz? Yes, she wasn’t fond of it.

Liz walked into the kitchen, cell phone in hand, glancing at my finished chicken as I was finishing it off. Her expression suggested that she had smelled something bad as she glanced around the kitchen. I tried to ignore her, since I was perspiring profusely already.

She then delivered a statement that pierced me deeply. “Hey Kate, perhaps it’s time for us to get some food.” Not everybody enjoys your cooking. Nor do I know if everyone appreciates the food you provide. Everyone is meant to appreciate every element of Christmas. They ought to relish the cuisine as well!

Her remarks took me entirely by surprise.

John was eating a carrot as he leaned against the archway. He looked beyond me and out the window on the other side of the room, completely avoiding my stare. I bit my lip and refrained from crying.

Even though Liz had upset me, I didn’t want to ruin the dinner for the nearly all of the visitors that were seated about the home. When dinnertime finally arrived, the weight of the food on the table made it moan. John was among my guests who were savoring the food I had spent the most of the day preparing and chanting its praises.

The cuisine is excellent, correct? Is everyone having fun with it? John enquired at the table.

With a laugh, his uncle took another helping of roasted potatoes. My brother asked, “Why wouldn’t we enjoy my sister’s food?”

“Because Liz mentioned that Mom’s dishes would ruin the dinner. She asked that we place an order.

My brother said, smothering his potatoes in sauce, “Nonsense!”

John grinned as he glanced at me. At that moment, I understood that my little boy’s quiet wasn’t intended to be hurtful to me. No. He was attempting to pass the time until he could humiliate Liz in front of our family and give her a lesson.

His remark caused Liz to blush, and all eyes turned to her. Admittedly, I felt sorry for her. Her first Christmas with us didn’t seem good from the beginning.

Liz returned later when I was back in the kitchen draining food from dishes and packing the dishwasher.

“I apologize, Kate,” my daughter-in-law said. “I made a huge mistake in what I did. Excuse me, I hope you can understand.

“Know what?” I enquired.

Yes, I did feel awful. I was still hurt, though.

I mentioned that simply because John enjoys your cuisine. He talks about how you make these amazing things only for him all the time. He always says that your mac and cheese is superior when I create a simple dish. I became alarmed as I smelled the wonderful aromas coming from this restaurant and glanced at the food.

I tried to defuse the situation by laughing and said, “Liz, you should know that a boy and his mother’s food is a relationship in and of itself.” “I can impart to you my cooking skills. All I know was taught to me by my mother.

Really, she questioned. “Even after my terrible behavior?”

“Yes,” I replied, my smile softening.

When I was ready to give Liz her gift, I brought her over to the Christmas tree.

Even though I still feel upset by everything, I’m glad she didn’t say what she said for the wrong reasons. Rather of encouraging a relationship with Liz’s cooking, John’s relationship with my food made Liz feel threatened.

I can instruct her, though.

How would you have responded if you had been the victim of the same situation? Like me, would you have remained silent until the truth was revealed? Or would you have struck back right away?

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