
10+ Weddings That Had the Wrong Ending

Even if things don’t always go as planned, we want our wedding day to be as amazing as possible since we believe it should be one of the most memorable days of our lives. On the other hand, the individuals on our list opted to offer amazing tales in which the wedding turns into a disastrous event that will be talked about for years to come.


Source: LaLe33 / Reddit


Source: Jawbreaker / Crossroads Films and co-producers
Source: onejoke_username / Reddit


Source: optcynsejo / Reddit


Source:  ElbisCochuelo / Reddit


Source: Unknown user / Reddit

Cool story: My boyfriend’s family refused to take me on a vacation, so I devised the ideal revenge.


Source:  memorandum229 / Reddit


Source: BlackBeltPanda / Reddit


Source:  admx14 / Reddit


Source:  FutbolMasta / Reddit


Source: Nurum / Reddit


Source: palebluekat / Reddit

Recommended. People request her to stop posting images of her baby on the internet.


Source: cactusjackalope / Reddit

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