

The most crucial thing to remember is that you should avoid making snap judgments about people and instead have an open mind.

Reentering the dating scene may be awkward and daunting, particularly if we haven’t been single for a while. The most crucial thing to remember is to avoid making snap judgments about people and to have an open mind toward them.

That is exactly what a 70-year-old widow went through in this amusing tale I saw online. Suddenly, she was at home when her doorbell rang. She did not, however, anticipate seeing who was on the other side.

Make sure to read to the punchline before you end this entertaining joke. Oh, and if you like the tale, please feel free to tell others so they may also laugh out loud!

A 70-year-old widow, who felt lonely, decided to be married once more.

Her advertisement in the neighborhood newspaper said:

“Wanted husband! He needs to be in my age range, not beat me, not run all over me, and still have acceptable bed manners. Please apply in person if you are an applicant.

She heard the doorbell the next day. She was shocked to discover a gray-haired guy seated in a wheelchair when she answered the door. There were no limbs on him.

“You don’t want me to think about you, do you?” The widow enquired: “Look at you, you’re without legs!”

“Therefore, I cannot run around on you!” grinned the elderly man.

“You’re not even equipped with arms!” She snorted.

With another smile, the elderly guy said, “Therefore, I can never beat you!”

“Are you still good in bed?” she said earnestly, arching her eyebrow.

With a broad smile, the elderly guy leaned back and remarked, “I rang the doorbell, didn’t I?”

Why not lift a friend’s spirits? Spread the laughs by telling this joke to others!

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