When kids go into childcare centers throughout the nation, they are frequently just faces in a crowd. However, there are instances when the childcare center sends homework home with the kids to get to know them better.
When a father’s 11-month-old daughter started daycare, that’s what happened. He received an “All About Me” questionnaire at home, and instead of just returning it, he thought he would play around with it.
Parents were expected to fill in the many prompts on the page to assist the daycare in teaching the children about themselves. They contained statements like “My strengths are…” and “My goals are…”
When you give it some thought, the majority of 11-month-old infants have no objectives or strong points to discuss. At that point, he decided to fill it out in a lighthearted manner and to play about with the childcare.
For example, the objectives included walking, opening all drawers, and using fingers to investigate parents’ noses.

Seldom do people in our world have a sense of humor. Sadly, this is something that is losing, but it truly makes us happy to see someone who has a great sense of humor.
You will respect what this parent achieved, I’m sure, and it could even motivate you to do great things yourself.
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