
People implore her to stop posting images of her baby on social media.

These days, the majority of people utilize social media as their main means of communication. It’s common practice to share photos of your kids with loved ones so they may cherish them.

She shares on social media as other young moms do, but the responses to her pictures and how she raises her child are very different. But she needs to say a few things.

Natasha, a young mother, is getting used to motherhood. Like many new moms, she likes to share pictures of her one-year-old son Raedyn online. Nevertheless, she faces intense online harassment due to her son’s appearance, which sets her apart from other mothers.

She posts videos of herself and her kid Raedyn on the popular social media platform TikTok. In addition, she gets dozens, if not hundreds, of comments asking her to stop posting pictures or videos of her child.

For those who don’t like Natasha, though, she has a message., “I refuse to give up… “He is perfect; just because he looks different doesn’t make him any less,” she asserts.

She receives so many messages and comments that ask her questions like, “What’s wrong with your child? Why is your child’s appearance that way?

Raedyn is a small girl who was born with Pfeiffer syndrome, a condition that causes abnormalities in the face, limbs, and skull. On the other hand, Natasha posts footage of her baby online whenever she gets the chance because she thinks he is perfect.

She does, however, observe that the majority of the remarks she encounters are harsh, usually posing questions like “What quality of life will he have?” On TikTok, someone made a crude comment, and someone else said, “Why would you make him live like that? You’re letting him lead such a horrible existence.”

As if comments from actual people weren’t terrible enough, Natasha also gets messages from online trolls. When she’s out in public, she says, people come up to her and ask harsh questions like, “What’s wrong with your child?” which is disrespectful. Or why does your child appear that way?’ That’s not the appropriate way to address a human being.

She even finds it difficult to be in public because of the endless inquiries she will unavoidably encounter. “Repeatedly explaining my son’s health issues wears me out,” she said.

She finds it hard to comprehend the amount of attention on her kid because of the way he looks. “He lives a life like every other child,” she adds. Does he appear different? Yes, but that doesn’t lessen him in the slightest.

“He deserves life, he deserves acceptance—I will fight until the day I die for that,” the speaker continued.

She dislikes the concern others have for her, especially when she is going about her day and is suddenly accosted by someone who is “interested” and has questions.

“It’s important for people to realize that my son and I are just parents, and our lives don’t center around his diagnosis,” the mother stated.

She dislikes the concern others have for her, especially when she is going about her day and is suddenly accosted by someone who is “interested” and has questions.

“Our family is much like any other. I hope that one day, persons with disabilities will be accepted by society and their limitations won’t be used as excuses.

It is rather distressing to see that people in this day and age are still inclined to criticize individuals who are in any way different from them. All we can do is hope that individuals will begin to be more both kind and all-encompassing.

Our love is being sent to Natasha and little Raedyn. Together with us, send them your warmest regards.

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