Lady Di, also known as the People’s Princess, will always be regarded as the person who transformed Britain and the monarchy due to her loving, caring, and understanding demeanor toward the common people.
After being engaged to Prince Charles, the eldest son of Queen Elizabeth II and the heir apparent to the British throne, this amazing Princess gained notoriety. She has been in the spotlight ever since the world became aware of her. Many claim that the paparazzi drove her to her demise by following her around at all times.
Harry and William, Princess Diana’s kids, were just 12 and 15 years old when she passed away.
She was killed in a car collision in the Pont de I’Alma tunnel in Paris while attempting to flee the paparazzi with her lover Dodi Fayed, the Egyptian millionaire Mohamed Al-Fayed’s son, her driver Henri Paul, and her bodyguard Trevor Rees-Jones.
One of the first people on the scene following the horrific incident was Xavier Gourmelon. He discussed the day and disclosed the Princess’s parting remarks.
Gourmelon stated, “The car was in a mess and we just dealt with it like any road accident,” according to The Independent.
He went on, “For me, this was just another ordinary traffic accident—one of many that emergency personnel deal with—caused by the typical suspects, a drunk driver and speed…
She appeared to have a little injury to her right shoulder, but other than that, nothing seemed off. She didn’t even have any blood on her. I gave her a hand, and urged her to remain composed, and remain still, I assured her and stated I was there to help.
When he came to rescue her while she was still aware, the Princess exclaimed, “My God, what’s happened?”

Gourmelon continued, expressing his belief that the Princess would survive and his horror upon learning of her death just a day after her admission to the Pitie-Salpetriere hospital. As to the sources, Lady Di’s death was due to severe internal injuries and internal bleeding from a burst blood vessel.
Around the globe, 2.3 billion people watched her burial. Billions of hearts were broken by the demise of Diana. Nobody in Britain was unaffected by her passing.
Mohamed Al-Fayed, the father of Dodi Fayed, whose son passed away at the site, was adamant that there was no incident at all in the collision.
Many will always miss Princess Diana. Peace be with her as she rests.
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