
This significant 9/11 Budweiser commercial honoring our nation only aired once.

Although it has been 22 years since America was the target of a terrorist assault on September 11, which killed around 3,000 people, we remember it as if it were yesterday.

9/11 represents sorrow and anguish, but it also demonstrates the patriotism of our citizens. On that day, everyone banded together to oppose those who attacked the country and its people. People from all over the world were lamenting the loss of lives, and they empathized with the Americans.

During those difficult times, the American brand Budweiser released a commercial that moved many people. It’s so emotive that even the toughest individuals cry.

The commercial shows the company’s signature horses, the Clydesdales, making their way through New York City. As they pass the Statue of Liberty and cross the Brooklyn Bridge, they pause in the park to admire the skyline.

Finally, they arrive at the site of the former Twin Towers and bow in reverence.

They disseminated the words, “Never forget, and never let that happen again.”

The commercial was only seen again on the tenth anniversary of the incident. “We feel our 9/11 Clydesdales tribute ad is very special,” said Paul Chibe, VP-marketing at Anheuser-Busch. “We were proud to re-air the spot on Sunday, the 10th anniversary, to raise awareness of the National September 11 Memorial & Museum’s fundraising campaign.” The ad’s modest adjustments were intended to reflect the passage of time, as well as the most crucial point: we should never forget those who were lost or touched by 9/11.”

Look at the emotive advertisement below. Touching, indeed!

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