
10 People Who Have Been Through Real-Life Plot Twists

Unexpected things happen to us in life all the time, and many choose to post their twists on life online. These tales have unexpected, even bizarre, conclusions that leave readers in disbelief that they aren’t from a movie script.

  • For the record, I met a girl named Jacqueline, who happens to be my mother’s name, just after I graduated from high school. The same mid-sized city served as our birthplace and upbringing. Beyond the apparent, “Oh, that’s a completely coincidental happenstance!” I didn’t give it any thought.
    After two or three months, she and I are in a relationship. Her father “swears” he’s met me previously when I met her folks. When I went to see Jacqueline at work a few weeks later, she said, “So, I know why my dad thinks you look familiar.” In high school, he dated your mother, naming his daughter after her. FabricateReality / Reddit
  • When they were in college, my father and his brother belonged to the same fraternity. One day, as my dad is heading to his car, this female stops him and chastises him for not giving the girls in her sorority a lift to a social function. After waiting patiently for her to finish, my dad informed her that she may tell my uncle. My dad decided to take the girl out as a way of making up for her embarrassment. And that’s how my mom and father met. C_Alan / Reddit
  • Years ago, while my firm was progressively failing, I looked for alternative employment. After accepting a job offer from another organization, I gave my boss two weeks’ notice. “I’m accepting another employment offer that I received. “I’m giving notice,” I informed my manager. “Oh, well, we hate to lose you,” he shot back. Would you mind telling me where you’re going? He pulled this look and said he had applied for the same job when I stated the name of the firm. Afterward, I apologized for disappointing you by adding, “I hope you understood it.” Contorto103 / Reddit
  • Following three arduous attempts at conception, my spouse and I began the adoption procedure. We learned that my wife was also pregnant a few days after we sent the last of the papers. identical twins. I currently have three 11-year-olds, ages separated by seven weeks. RoboNinjaPirate / Reddit
  • When I arrived for this job interview, the employer was unaware that I would be there. I follow him into his office, where he begrudgingly begins questioning me. After so many interviews, I wasn’t in the mood for someone to make me feel unwelcome. When he asks me why I want to work here, I say that I enjoy helping others. He answers with profanity, which surprises me, but it seems like this is not going anywhere. I close the interview with a snarky “Sorry to bother you,” and the remainder is a formality. When I return to my flat, I’m depressed. A voicemail inquired about my interview location. They wanted to know whether I would still like to give them a call. I realized I was on the incorrect floor when I compared the name, number, and firm on the business card I was handed. I was offered an interview the moment I went into a random business. Yes, however, I was rejected from both jobs. adverb_adjective / Reddit
  • My mom was informed that her unborn kid had an abnormal heartbeat and that she might expect some difficulties throughout her pregnancy. They had physicians and all the tools needed to help with the delivery ready for her due date. The doctor replied, “Oh, there’s another one,” which was me, after my mother gave birth to my brother. Unexpected twins! luckyz / Reddit
  • I worked as a barista at Starbucks before the craze for “names on cups” became popular. This adorable guy visited maybe four or five times a week. Not unusually, but a bit frequently. I made a lot of flirting. He reciprocated the flirtation. Everything was fantastic.
  • Then he and his fiancée enter. From that point on, I was chilly toward him and felt deceived. A month later, two of them get together, and I find out they’re twins. With just one, I would take advantage of whatever opportunity I had. mindovermacabre / Reddit
  • A person I knew in college was discussing the Glastonbury music festival—a major UK music event that draws roughly 150,000 people—with his new girlfriend. He had been attending every year, and it turned out she had been going for years as well. They eventually began comparing pictures they had shot over the years. My friend took out a photo of himself seated on a fence with his back to a field from his first time attending the event. The girl, who is seated with her back to him, and her companion, who is shooting her photograph, are the only two other individuals in the photo. When his girlfriend notices that it is her first time there as well, she takes out a photo. She is seated on a field in it. Out of the 150,000 people attending the event, the only other persons seen in the photo are a man sitting on a fence facing away from her and his companion, who is snapping his photo. jeedee / Reddit
  • I organized a weekend vacation to Barcelona with this girl when I was studying abroad in England. That was before cell phones. I slept in too late. arrived at the airport almost three hours late. There was a girl there as soon as I got there. We both say, “I’m so sorry… at the same moment.” What are you sorry for, exactly? She had also overslept, it turned out. We arrived in Barcelona several hours later than planned due to the airline’s complimentary ticket alteration. moak0 / Reddit

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