
The man refuses to tip, saying that nobody deserves 25% for doing his job.

Man Says He Won’t Tip Me No One Should Get 25% For Just Doing Their Job
Tipping appears to be the one topic on social media that receives more attention than any other. While there are regional variations, most Americans are aware of the procedure and will go to some lengths to leave a sizable gratuity.

Others believe that the industry has become overly dependent on tips and that people who work there need to be compensated directly by their employers. They believe that the tipping culture has gone too far. In this argument, which is hotly contested on both sides, not much is spoken to persuade individuals to change their beliefs.

Many individuals are unaware that the average tip at full-service restaurants is little less than 20%, despite the fact that 90% of patrons give tips. It can be expensive for the ordinary American to tip up to five times a week, as they are typically required to do.

This is when the individual who posted the highly popular TikTok video enters the picture. He goes by Dustin Anderson, and in the now-viral video, he declares that he will no longer be leaving tips.

“It used to be you give a tip if somebody gave exceptional service,” he rants further. When was the last time you received outstanding service? It’s only reasonable. At the end, they hand you a bill and say, “Here, just fill this out, ’20 percent, 25 percent,'” as if you didn’t do your work!

“You brought the food they prepared to my table. Thank you for getting me a Diet Coke. That is carrying out your duties. You fulfilled your duties, so you don’t receive a 25% bonus.

And in this case, I’m not the villain. I’m not. Just let me know how much it costs if you own a restaurant. I wish to prevent hunger among people. How much does it cost for me to acquire my dinner and to avoid forcing the waiters to become members of the cartel—a la Oliver Twist or Lord of the Flies—? People need to be taken care of, I hope. Tell me the price, please.

Dustin is not alone in his thoughts on the matter, and I believe that the majority of consumers would be willing to pay extra if it meant that their employer was providing sufficient care for the wait staff. But at this point, their only source of income above the poverty line is tipping.

One commentator declared that he had had enough of tipping and that, as an emergency department nurse, he receives no tips for saving lives.

Another suggested that they should pay for the work and follow the European model. Tipping is still appreciated, but it should only be given for really good service.

This discussion will probably just go on and on.

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